Tuesday 21 April 2009

Where the hell have YOU been?!

Smell the Glove?  It's sexy, not sexist.

Short answer is "None of your business".

Slightly longer answer for those of you that like details is, "Do I know you?  None of your fucking business, you prying fucknut".

So, that' the 2 month sabbatical from blogging cleared up neatly, I feel.

I'm not a qualified teacher, as one might might've expected by this stage in 2009.  In fact, on the contrary, I've dropped out of the course. There is the opportunity to finish matters next Spring but that is a decision for the future.  Currently, I am not employed (and not particularly employable either, I fear).  Fortunately, Cumbria is blessed with a variety of conurbations so someone is bound to come knocking any day soon.

In other news, my ipod is dead.

Oh, and I'm on Twitter quite a lot.  If you haven't already, come join the party - I am Pettsvaldo there.

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