Friday, 11 April 2008

Make it so, my Cumbrian Lieutenants...

I really wish this would make even the slightest impact but it won't, as I only have six readers and not a single one of them actually lives in the South Lakes area. Ho hum!

Still, I like the technology of embedding these sorts of things. And I also like the premise of the eventful website so I guess that makes it relatively satisfying in its own right.

Anyway, regardless of where you're at - why not add your vote anyway; then come and see Mr Jonathan Coulton at the Brewery Arts Centre or some such.

Unless, of course, you're fiendishly intelligent and work out that you may be able to get him to play somewhere else (perhaps nearer to you) if you vote for a different location - I'll just have to trust you not to betray me in that manner.

Events by Eventful

Oh, and here's a link to him, playing "Still Alive" on BBC Scotland, introduced (spookily, given my recent post about the "Kendal Calling" festival) by the glorious Frank Sidebottom.

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