Thursday, 6 March 2008

Reasons and ephemera.

a mean, green, pustule-generating machine.

Not been here for a while - sorry.

Both kids had chicken pox, which came right on the back of a fairly continuous bout of cold-tennis between the two of them.


Then, my wonderful Grandad passed away and I traveled down to Cornwall to attend the funeral.

So, for a few weeks there, it was little more than keeping going really. The only excuse I now have is inordinate amounts of work on my plate, mainly from the course (and, naturally, exacerbated by the few weeks I had out of the loop - schedule pile up; suffice to say that my diary/work planner is now a mess of rewritten plans).

Anyway, here's something new I learnt today...

Whenever I feel a sneeze urge, I try to look at a light source in order to set off the desired blow-out. I always assumed that this was a technique that anyone (and probably everyone) relied on but I was wrong in this assumption.

(God, when will I learn on that "assumption" thing? Never, I assume.)

Apparently, "sun sneezers" (who have genetically inherited the photic sneeze reflex) only account for between 17% and 35% of the population. This happens by virtue of the proximity of the nerve that controls sneezing (trigeminal nerve) to the optic nerve - in some people, overstimulation of the optic nerve "rubs off" on the trigeminal nerve (in the same way that data cables can "crosstalk") and the body mistakenly responds by sneezing.

So, the bottom line is that it's an error in my physiological make-up - but a fortuitous one.

I like all of this information.

On the music-front, I'm completely swamped with fucking ace new tunes at the moment. Or, at least, I pretty sure it's ace - I'm so completely swamped with it that I've not really had enough time to listen to all of it more than once.

Anyway, Jonathan Coulton is very entertaining (thank you Mat) - wordy, arch lyricism. I'm also grateful to Alex for pointing out that Gary Louris has a new album out, Vagabonds (Gary Louris, for those of you not in the know was the lead singer with the Jayhawks - indeed he may well still be, when he's not putting out solo material) - it seems completely up to standard. I'm also blown away by Devon Sproule's most recent album, "Keep Your Silver Shined" (quirky voice, Jazz/Folk sort of thing) and by Bon Iver's album, "For Emily, Forever Ago" (Iron & Wine is a good reference point though not fair on either party).

And, lastly, here are some pictures of the young 'uns from last month...

They don't need bylines.


Anonymous said...

i too have that photosneezey response

Kendal King Pin said...
