Friday 25 January 2008

Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

There's no question in my mind - Germaine's still got it.

So it's been a while since I posted last - no doubt, you'll be expecting a real build up of pressure in the old "hilarious outpouring of bile" sac? Eh? Oh.

Just as well, as I'm all out of pressure, built-up or otherwise.

And to compensate for the commensurate lack of bile, I deferring today to Ms Greer, who has the capacity to generate heaps of bile at will. As I'm sure you're fully aware, she's a real go-to lady when it comes to editorials, commentaries, forthright sound-bites, etc - any situation that requires enflaming with a poorly conceived torrent of invective, designed solely to maximise the importance of gender issues therein, Ms Greer is poised to answer the call. And may Ganesh bless her for it - it's a thankless task and I'm just glad I'm not expected to step up to the plate with the regularity that she does.

Anyhoo, I'm not always a big fan of her diatribes. This time, however, I'm right with her on the protest march...

Mental health and it's manifold manifestations (hoo-hah!) is not a subject to be dismissed without due consideration but, in this instance, I feel Germaine has got a serious point - I mean, how the fuck did getting angry suddenly become a reasonable justification for filicide?


Anonymous said...

I hate that hairy, hectoring old witch.

Kendal King Pin said...

But check out those haunches...

Anonymous said...

I would romp with Greer ahead of Widdecombe, but that's about it.

Kendal King Pin said...

Well, it must be satisfying to know you've got your preferences into some kind of order.